
  • Acquisition by the exploration, excavation, gift and purchase.
  • The antiquities and art objects dated from C, 1500 BC to the 19th century AD.
  • Possession of the Museum 1,918 pieces of artifacts including stone sculptures bronze figures, ancient coins of gold-silver-copper, brass and alloy, painting of the Indo-European school, pata chitra, terracotta plaques, terracotta figures and figurines, wood carvings, beads, potteries manuscripts, objects of folk art, copper plate inscriptions, stone inscriptions, old photographs and prints.
  • Scope to enrich the knowledge in the field of Ethno-Archaeology, Sculptural study, for the scholars and general viewers.

    Curator, Museum and Art Gallery

    Department of Museum and Art Gallery
    The University of Burdwan
    Bardhaman - 713104
    West Bengal, INDIA.

    Show Time

    Time : 11.00 am-1.00 pm, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
    Holidays following the University calendar